
“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Comparison of the kingdom of God with the seeds of a plant and the “leaven” emphasizes that the “Divine Presence” is within a person; it grows and develops within us. Unlike the seed, leaven acts as follows: Placed in the dough, this fermented substance actively affects the entire dough from the inside, causing its structure to transform and expand. Both seed and leaven are foreign spiritual objects for humans. A person cannot achieve such an effect on his own by an effort of will. We cannot see how the leaven works in the dough, just as we cannot see how the flower grows. Leaven works constantly and continuously. We also cannot see how God’s kingdom operates and affects within. Still, according to the teachings of Jesus, it performs regularly and constantly and leads people and the world closer and closer to God. We must believe in this and support this process.

In the matter of saving the soul following the results of earthly life, entering the kingdom of God, and being born again, a person’s personal choice is fundamental, and there is no “court” in the legal or common sense of that word: “God sent the Son into the world not to condemn the world, but to save it.” Jesus Himself did not judge people and urged the apostles not to judge but to give them saving knowledge about entering the kingdom of God and about life in this kingdom of light. If a person likes who he is and does not want to change anything – God will certainly respect the choice. This will probably mean the loss of eternal life due to voluntary abandonment. And every person, in one way or another, will have to pay for all their bad words and deeds. Jesus also added that the Heavenly Father easily forgives sins, but for this, you need to repent and decide never to bring evil into our world again. If a person, of course, wants it.

Jesus taught that the eagerly awaited kingdom of God would not come visibly. Entry into this kingdom, as Jesus declared to the crowds of people, was perfectly peaceful and not related to wars, political upheavals, or any sudden liberation by “angelic armies.” The kingdom of Heaven is within each person: The kingdom of God is within you.” All those who enter it gain intellectual and spiritual freedom, gain joy, achieve happiness.

The teaching of Jesus is that the soul’s salvation is not earned by good deeds or rituals, is not achieved by any sacrifice. The soul’s salvation depends on whether Jesus will let us into Heaven – He said He is the “door” through which one must enter the spiritual world. This means you must be close to Jesus somehow or fulfill His main requirements. That is the requirement of God and the Universe. A mysterious spiritual plant must grow in the heart and mind, filling the person from within. Without it, a person will only remain a perfect bodily machine. According to the indirect hints of Jesus, our physical body is neither cursed nor sinful; it is only adapted for the survival of the human species. However, if a person does not want or is not able to grow a mysterious Spiritual Plant in himself, he will remain only a higher intelligent animal that has lived one short life on Earth.

Jesus taught a lot about faith. “Your faith has saved you” is the phrase Jesus often said to healed people. The teaching of Christ and the apostles unequivocally points to faith as a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for entry into the kingdom of God and the soul’s salvation. The first demand addressed to people from the very beginning of Jesus’ preaching was “Believe the Gospel,” “Believe My teaching,” and “Believe Me.” This meant that neither sacrifices nor rituals, traditions, fasts, or prayers were of decisive importance. Only living faith, like a constant energy flow, can lead a person through the gates of the kingdom of God. Of course, not every faith, but only that which is based on the authentic teachings of Jesus.